Workshop on

Learning Data Representation: Hierarchies and Invariance

November 22-24, 2013 | McGovern Institute for Brain Research, MIT


The goal of the meeting is to investigate advances and challenges in learning "good representations" from data, in particular representations that can reduce the complexity of later supervised learning stages. The meeting will gather experts in the field to discuss current and future challenges for the theory and applications of learning representations.

Registration is required to attend the workshop

Registration for CBMM and IIT members

(new!) Videos and slides of the talks and panels are now available through CBMM and MIT TechTV (links included in the agenda/schedule)

The workshop is organized by Tomaso Poggio and Lorenzo Rosasco and sponsored by the Laboratory for Computational and Statistical Learning (LCSL), joint between the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM).